Ulbo Garvema

Další název/názvy: In rechten hersteld
Rok: 1917
Popis: Melodrama about a stolen identity. The daughter of a man who has stolen the identity of the deceased Baron Van Walden marries to school teacher Ulbo Garvema, who turns out to be the son of the baron.
Klíčová slova: 2 november 1917 / fraude / schuldgevoel
Poskytovatel: EYE Filmmuseum (The Netherlands)
Práva: In Copyright - EU Orphan Work
Produkční společnost: Filmfabriek Hollandia (Haarlem)
Director: Maurits H. Binger
Typ dokumentu:
Related Names
- Ernst Winar | Actor
- Paula de Waart | Actor
- Fred Vogeding | Actor
- Cor Smits | Actor
- Antoinette Sohns | Actor
- Pierre Perin | Actor
- Fred Homann | Actor
- Jan van Dommelen | Actor
- Lola Cornero | Actor
- Lily Bouwmeester | Actor
- Annie Bos | Actor
- Maurits H. Binger | Producer
- Henri Metman | Director of photography
- Feiko Boersma | Director of photography
- Jan Smit | Assistant camera operator
- Maurits H. Binger | Director